If you haven’t picked up a copy of Redwood: Servant of the State, first in the Redwood Trilogy, you can grab a free copy over on Instafreebie. You can even choose the format you want: epub, mobi, or PDF.
If you haven’t picked up a copy of Redwood: Servant of the State, first in the Redwood Trilogy, you can grab a free copy over on Instafreebie. You can even choose the format you want: epub, mobi, or PDF.
Redwood, Servant of the State has a combined 4.2 rating on Amazon. Now, the sequel is out. You can download both books cheaper than buying them separately, for a limited time. Click here for details.
Redwood: Servant of the State is available as a free download in its entirety from Amazon until Feb. 4. Take this opportunity to load up a great YA science fiction novel on your Kindle.
I am about to embark on an ad campaign with kindlenationdaily.com. On Dec. 2, we will sponsor a free Kindle Nation Shorts campaign, during which the first five chapters of Redwood: Servant of the State will be offered free to over 161,000 subscribers on Kindle Nation Daily and BookGorilla.
If you’re not a subscriber to KND, or if you miss the campaign, never fear! The first five chapters are available free on Goodreads. If you like it, please download the entire book for free via Kindle Unlimited, or get a copy for only 99 cents.