Redwood: Battle Cry is released

I am happy to announce the third and final book in the Redwood Trilogy is published today. Redwood: Battle Cry marks the conclusion to my first science fiction series.

It has been a long ride. I released the first Redwood book, Servant of the State in 2014. Redwood: Twelver came out in 2015.

You can start the trilogy and read Servant of the State for 99 cents on Amazon, or better yet download it free off Instafreebie as a thank you for subscribing to my newsletter.

I hope you enjoy finding out what happens to Marcus and Dee Dee, their friends and family. I certainly enjoyed creating their world.

Chapters 1-5 of Redwood: Servant of the State are Free!

I am about to embark on an ad campaign with On Dec. 2, we will sponsor a free Kindle Nation Shorts campaign, during which the first five chapters of Redwood: Servant of the State will be offered free to over 161,000 subscribers on Kindle Nation Daily and BookGorilla.

If you’re not a subscriber to KND, or if you miss the campaign, never fear! The first five chapters are available free on Goodreads. If you like it, please download the entire book for free via Kindle Unlimited, or get a copy for only 99 cents.